Fast-hardening levelling mortar 2-30mm.

Foby+ Egaline Pro is a fast-hardening levelling mortar based on cement and synthetic resins. By adding admixtures, after water is added, the mortar self-levelling and easy to process into layer thicknesses of 30mm in one work step. The layer achieves a min. compressive strength of 25N/mm2. Minimum layer thickness: 2mm.

Foby+ Egaline Pro is suitable for smoothing and repairing rough concrete floors and cement screed interior floors in layer thicknesses from 2 to 30 mm. With its outstanding flow behaviour, very smooth layers can be achieved. When using as a levelling compound for laying carpet, linoleum, PVC and tiles, the substrate must comply with DIN 18365. The product is not suitable for use as a final coating. This would require finishing with a waterborne epoxy coating.

Foby+ Egaline Pro is mixed with clean tap water in a clean mixing tub to produce a smooth, sturdy mass. Add 25kg of powder to 6.0 litres of water and mix well with a mixing drill. After allowing to set for 3 minutes, mix the mortar again vigorously using the mixing drill. The mixture is now ready and has a working time of approximately 30 minutes. Therefore, never prepare more than what can be processed within this time. Pour the liquid mixture on the floor and, using a trowel or floor wiper, spread the mixture to a maximum layer thickness of 30 mm. If a very smooth surface is desired, aerate the mortar using a spiked roller. Foby+ Egaline Pro sets rapidly and therefore can be walked on after 3 hours. If the desired smoothness is not achieved in thick layers during repairs and you wish to further smoothen the surface , this must be done ‘wet on wet’. If the initial layer is already fully dry, then this layer must be primed with Foby+ Primer after drying for 24 hours.

Mixing ratio: Add 100 g powder to 24 g water. Processing time: Approx. 30 minutes (at 18°C). Processing temperature: From + 5°C tot + 25°C. Minimum layer thickness: 2 mm. Maximum layer thickness: 30 mm. Curing: Can be walked on after a minimum of 3 hours. Additional layer application after a minimum of 24 hours. Compressive strength: Min. 25 N/mm² after 28 days. Shelf life: Minimum 12 months if left unopened and stored in dry conditions. Packaging: 25 kg bag. Consumption: Approx. 1.5 kg/m2 per mm layer thickness.

Eurovite Nederland BV guarantees that its product, within the stated shelf life, is in accordance with the specifications. The liability shall never exceed the provisions of our Terms and Conditions of Delivery. In no event shall Eurovite Nederland BV be liable for any consequential damages. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the product for the intended application by means of their own tests. This Foby+® quality product is exclusively produced by Eurovite Nederland BV.