Perfectly level wall and floor tile placement.

Foby+ Tile Levelling System is a very convenient way to lay wall and floor tiles straight and level.

Waterproofing of corner joints, pipe penetrations and drainage holes in bathrooms. Especially recommended for water-sensitive building materials such as gypsum and plasterboard walls and waterproof plywood floors. Limitations: For indoor use only.

How do I place the clips?
1. Apply adhesive to wall or floor as directed.
2. When laying the tiles, place one clip under the tile on each side. With tile sides longer than 30cm, use 2 clips per side. Place the clips a few centimetres from the corners. For tile sides longer than 70cm, increase the number of clips as required.
3. Push the tile into the right place or tap the tile with a rubber hammer.

How do I place the wedges?
4. Place the wedge in the opening of the clip with the flat side on the tile until it sticks by itself.
5. Use the pliers to press the clip and wedge against each other. The tiles straighten themselves so that there is an even tile surface.

How do I remove the clips?
6. Allow the floor to dry for the prescribed time, leaving the clips and wedges in place.
7. Then use a rubber hammer or shoe to knock the wedge and clip away. Note: hit the clip on the narrow side, i.e. in the direction of the joint.
8. The wedges are reusable. Dispose of the clips in the plastic recycling bin.

Eurovite Nederland BV guarantees that its product, within the stated shelf life, is in accordance with the specifications. The liability shall never exceed the provisions of our Terms and Conditions of Delivery. In no event shall Eurovite Nederland BV be liable for any consequential damages. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of the product for the intended application by means of their own tests. This Foby+® quality product is exclusively produced by Eurovite Nederland BV.

Foby+ Tegellevelling systeem instruction films

Tile levelling for wall tiles

Tile levelling for floor tiles

Remove tile levelling clips